
Andrew Corn

Displaying 6 results


The paradox of rising markets

Winning new assets should be a core discipline for both wealth and asset managers, even if market gains are boosting their AUM without the hassles of marketing, advertising, or sales.


It’s time to revamp your digital marketing

How can fund managers and wealth managers expand investor acquisition through digital marketing when they no longer have access to data from cookies?


Crowdfunding is no Derby

Capital raises that are open to the public allow for access to new avenues of wealth-building.


Real estate isn’t an alternative — it’s a core investment

In 2020, the global real estate market had a value of more than $326 trillion, which is more than the value of all the stocks and bonds in the world.


Is direct indexing really new or special?

Direct indexing looks a lot like separately managed accounts, and SMAs may provide more control and flexibility for investors.


Statement shock is the beginning, but longevity may be clients’ biggest risk

Longer lifespans increase the chance that your clients will outlive their money or have to drastically downgrade their lifestyle.