
Brian Chappatta

Displaying 7 results


Morgan Stanley sees wealthy sticking with cash

The wirehouse's clients have been shifting from stocks into cash or cash equivalents


Franklin exits fund purgatory with Legg Mason deal

The acquisition will double Franklin's assets, which hadn't grown in the last 18 months


Bond funds aim to win over the green-curious, not purists

Big fixed-income managers pit their ESG portfolios against a broad set of competitors


Fixed income is still a mystery to many investors

A survey shows many Americans admit to having little knowledge about various fixed-income securities and how to invest in them.


The only certainty is death, taxes, and muni advantages

Readers are flocking to stories on tax-free munis — but why?


Vanguard defends the value of active bond funds

When it comes to fixed income, active management helps investors avoid the inherent biases of bond indexes.


Meredith Whitney was wrong about munis

The banking analyst's 2010 prediction that there would be '50 to 100' defaults among state and local governments failed to pan out.