
Thomas Hoops

Thomas Hoops was executive vice president of product development at Legg Mason. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

Displaying 18 results


Few financial advisers pitch ESG funds to clients. Missed opportunity?

Yet women and millennials want to buy funds with strong environmental, social responsibility and corporate governance components.


The case for more U.S. infrastructure investment by the private sector

Many new U.S. infrastructure funds are designed to offer investors the possibility of higher income in exchange for taking some additional risk.


Robo-advisers increasingly represent a useful ally for human advisers

Robos can enlarge the advisory business as a whole, expanding the pools of both providers and users of advice.


Why the DOL fiduciary rule will lead to more ETF innovation

Asset managers must expand the depth and breadth of their offerings to become more relevant and differentiated.


Investors still looking for ways to bridge the gap between stocks and bonds

Legg Mason investor survey shows tremendous pressure on stock performance, a need for safer income-generating investments.


How to handle return-hungry clients’ portfolios during upticks in volatility

Help keep clients invested for the long term, allaying real fears that their money — and dreams — may disappear.


The power of infrastructure investing in uncertain markets

Good infrastructure products are unlikely to wildly outperform equities, but they're also unlikely to create serious losses


Alternative growth strategies for a fearful low-growth world

Making the case for alternatives is less about the absolute returns they can deliver, but their potential over full market cycles.


When looking to preserve clients’ capital, consider alternatives

The potential benefits — and pitfalls — of using alternatives to diversify a portfolio focused on capital preservation.


How to explain alternatives’ place in portfolios to your clients

By viewing alternatives through the lens of the three primary colors, they can be demystified