Top Independent High-Net Worth Advisors

AUG 19, 2024 —

InvestmentNews presents the Top Independent High-Net-Worth Advisors from across the US

This prestigious group features the most innovative and industrious professionals at the industry’s leading edge, with a talent for risk management.

They are delivering by devising successful investment strategies balancing both short- and long-term considerations, which not only ensure their clients’ financial futures but also outperform the performance of their peers.

To do so, these advisors display a commitment and skillset that has enabled them to make a profound impact in such a competitive market.

Not only are they generating returns with their portfolios, but they have done so repeatedly, which has earned them their formidable reputations.

All of those on the list have demonstrated evidence of their accomplishments with their official SEC filings, which IN has analyzed.

To be part of this showcase of the best-in-class Registered Investment Advisors nationwide, each member must have a minimum of $100 million assets under management (AUM).

The exclusive list of advisors is categorized by regions throughout the country: Northeast, Southwest, West, Southeast and Midwest. Within these groupings, the best of the best are ranked by AUM and volume.

IN will continue to update this exclusive band of advisors by vigilantly monitoring the industry and discovering those advisors who stand apart from the rest.

Top Independent High-Net Worth Advisors




  • Chilton Capital


