BOSTON — Fidelity Investments and American Funds lagged behind The Vanguard Group Inc. in stock and bond mutual fund sales for this year through May as investor appetite for low-cost index and exchange traded funds increased.
Forget expense ratios. Portfolio trading costs can be an even bigger drag on mutual fund performance.
Old Mutual of London is planning to significantly expand its asset-management division in the U.S., according to MarketWatch.
Robert Lyon, former CEO and CIO of Institutional Capital Corp., died earlier this week at the age of 57.
Ameristock Corp. today announced the launch of trading in five new U.S. Treasury exchange traded funds on the American Stock Exchange today.
Fund managers are keeping their powder dry, saying "nothing is really cheap" right now.
Fidelity has bought back preferred shares from stockholders, possibly paving the way for a new ownership structure.
Claymore Securities has launched two exchange traded funds on the American Stock Exchange today, themed on brokerages to vaccines.
On average, every dollar that funds spend on trading costs translates into a roughly 42-cent reduction in fund value, Virginia Tech Professor Gregory Kadlec said today.
The Security Benefit Group of Companies today announced it will acquire Rydex Investments.
New York Life will launch a series of five target-date funds called the MainStay Retirement Funds.
Claymore Securities today announced the launch of Claymore/KLD Sudan Free Large-Cap Core ETF on the /MEX.
PowerShares today launched four exchange traded funds based on the FTSE RAFI indexes.
More mutual fund companies soon will offer individual investors access to a strategy that is popular among institutional investors who are trying to outperform a benchmark.
PHILADELPHIA — A mutual fund company is taking a chance on the burgeoning market of infrastructure investments.
WASHINGTON — Disclosures of 12(b)-1 fees should be made clearer and easier to decipher, but the fees themselves should not be abolished, officials from the mutual fund and brokerage industries said at a Securities and Exchange Commission round table last week.
State Street Global Advisors said that its SPDR Standard & Poor's BRIC 40 ETF will begin trading on the American Stock Exchange today.
Investors who won big during China’s stock market rise are looking to cash in on its possible decline, the Wall Street Journal said.
The SEC voted to allow mutual funds to submit data on their risks and returns in an interactive electronic format.