Public-service spots starring “Savingsman” and his canine companion "401k-9" won three Emmy awards.
Postnuptial agreements are gaining popularity as an estate-planning tool, and some hedge funds and private-equity firms have asked their top executives to sign them to protect their companies in case of a messy divorce, according to attorneys and financial advisers.
PHILADELPHIA — With help from Barclays Global Investors, a California 401(k) record keeper has created a new platform intended to break the mutual fund stranglehold on the 401(k) market.
An association has been formed to educate and advocate about issues relevant to 401(k) independent record keepers.
A retirement savings plan that covers more than 3.7 million federal workers may take a page from an increasing number of corporate 401(k) plan sponsors and institute automatic enrollment.
WASHINGTON — The Investment Company Institute last week fought back against the life insurance industry’s attempt to get stable-value funds included as 401(k) default investment options.
CHICAGO — Life cycle fever seems to be spreading from 401(k) plans to variable annuities. At ING Variable Annuities, for instance, assets in LifeStyle portfolios — which were introduced as ING-managed subaccounts in mid-2004 — reached $8 billion at the end of April, up from more than $4 billion at the end of 2005.
A new 401(k) plan featuring iShares ETFs from Barclays Global Investors is now available.
As the Department of Labor considers improving fee disclosure to retirement plan participants, some vendors and advisers are racing to offer more information to 401(k) participants, while most are content to wait for a directive.
Add financial literacy and trust in financial institutions to the factors that increase 401(k) participation rates.
The widely publicized dispute between diet guru Robert Atkins’ widow and the trustees of her trust is a cautionary tale for financial advisers and their clients about what can happen in estate cases, observers say.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is examining disclosures for 401(k) plans and is looking at ways to provide 401(k) information using interactive software, SEC Chairman Christopher Cox said last week.
Lincoln Employer Markets announced today that the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company now offers an annuity rider on its defined contribution plans.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is examining disclosures for 401(k) plans and is looking at ways to provide such information using interactive software, SEC Chairman Christopher Cox today told the mutual fund industry today.
As they examine the 401(k) retirement plan system, policy makers would be wise not to focus all their attention on fees, Martin L. Flanagan, chairman of the Investment Company Institute of Washington said today at the ICI’s general membership meeting.
Many top executives at large financial services companies saw a big jump in pay last year.
The Women’s Retirement Security Act of 2007 was introduced in the Senate yesterday In an effort to help women save for retirement.
Thousands of protesters – some bearing signs asking “Is your Fidelity 401(k) funding genocide?” -- gathered in Boston’s Government Center Sunday to protest Fidelity’s investment ties to Sudan.
Congress is beginning to refocus its retirement savings policy-making efforts on finding ways to help Americans of modest means save for retirement, as well as trying to help people get better returns from their retirement savings plans.
Financial service professionals who provide portfolio management, asset allocation and financial advice should be regulated as investment advisers, six organizations said in a letter to Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox.