
David Canter

David Canter is executive vice president and head of the RIA segment at Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions.

Displaying 7 results


Navigating the RIA ecosystem

Firms that maintain open architecture and touch points will endure and grow.


Tax reform can be a growth engine for your advisory firm

Only 4 of 10 millionaires who use an adviser said their adviser had talked to them about the impact of tax reform.


The new knights of the roundtable

Together, we're better-equipped to tackle the issues facing our profession as a whole.


What it takes to really have a digital advisory firm

A guide to understanding the spectrum of digitization at financial firms


Rethinking succession planning by putting clients first

When it comes to succession planning, we are seeing positive changes in the advice profession.


The secrets to a successful succession strategy

Approximately 67% of firms either don't have succession plans for their businesses or have plans that are not ready to be implemented. Is your business ready?


Put a compensation strategy in place

With many firms projecting growth this year, it is a good time to consider compensation strategy. There…