
Douglas Heikkinen

Douglas Heikkinen is president of Riley Weiss, a branding firm.

Displaying 13 results


Five pitfalls to avoid in creating a brand

To be most effective in your new-business efforts, your brand should project a firm that is experienced, confident, polished and secure.


Saying no can improve your brand

One of the most common mistakes in branding is trying to be everything to everyone


A blending of art and science

Irreplaceable advisers are those who have mastered the ability to connect with people and make them more effective than they would have been without the adviser's help


The importance of your firm’s vision

Can you state your firm's vision?


Lose sales pitch in first client meeting

Winning new business is a delicate dance of positioning yourself, engaging your audience and earning a significant amount of trust in a very short period of time


A little imagination goes a long way

There are a lot of respectable financial services firms in existence today — but only a few great ones


Why meshing sales and marketing is important

The terms “sales” and “marketing” are used interchangeably, but they aren't the same


Is your website lost in a sea of blue?

Although the financial services industry focuses on providing personal service and generating results, firms typically neglect their websites – that is a big mistake


Trust is a powerful marketing tool

Earning this from your clients isn't magic; you must always do the right thing


Find out what clients say about you

What do your clients say about your firm — not to your face but to their friends, acquaintances and connections?