LONDON — If you can’t beat it, trade it. That approach toward volatility is increasingly making inroads among institutional investors, including pension funds such as the $275 billion Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP of Heerlen, Netherlands.
By OTTAWA — The minority Conservative government’s budget, released last Monday, drew immediate fire from two Canadian opposition parties, the Liberals and New Democrats.
HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. — For asset managers, forecasting whether the Federal Reserve will cut U.S. interest rates for the first time in four years might become a little easier, thanks to a budding derivatives contract.
Merrill Lynch & Co. analysts are mad as hell that people are simultaneously belittling and stealing their investment ideas, according to Crain's New York Business.
OptionsXpress Holdings Inc. announced today that it promoted its chief financial officer to the role of president and its chief operating officer to the role of executive vice-chairman, according to published reports.
Morgan Stanley today posted a 69% increase in first-quarter profits on strong advisory fees from higher trading levels and increased investment banking fees.
IRVINE, Calif. — In an expected move, Wachovia Securities LLC this month launched a client loyalty program called 4front.
NEW YORK — Just as Federal Reserve monetary policymakers will use economic data to determine what to do with the federal funds rate this week, financial advisers and asset managers rely on such data to pick investments.
OTTAWA — The Certified General Accountants Association of Canada has addressed the subject of a national securities regulator and has offered up suggestions about how it should work.
WASHINGTON — The possibility of limiting pension fund involvement in hedge funds was raised last week by legislators and hedge fund industry representatives at a hearing on Capitol Hill on how much risk hedge funds pose for financial markets.
Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. is planning to increase the scope of its Indian private banking business, with a focus on providing financial services to that country’s growing wealthy population, according to the Economic Times in India.
Opponents of a merger between the regulatory operations of NASD and the New York Stock Exchange haven’t given up on their efforts to stop the deal.
Intrigued wirehouse executives who are looking for a change are beginning to check out independent-contractor broker-dealers, and what they see interests them more and more, industry executives, consultants and recruiters say.
Continuing its focus on buying small to midsize firms, Royal Alliance Associates Inc. late last month completed a deal to acquire United Securities Alliance Inc.
A wealthy retired couple in their late 70s enjoyed an annual income of $80,000 but wanted to increase their standard of living.
SAN FRANCISCO — In need of an alternative to lackluster Treasury bond performance, financial advisers are helping a high-yield and low-profile cash product go mainstream.
Some insurers are taking away their advisers’ group health insurance and other employment benefits if proprietary-product quotas aren’t met, advisers say.
The growth of the financial planning profession overseas is in the fast lane, though there are some speed bumps, observers say.
A life insurer known mainly for its fixed annuities has thrown its hat into the variable annuity ring.