Apex Clearing has named Tricia Rothschild its president. The 26-year veteran of Morningstar Inc. resigned last November as the company’s chief product officer and co-head of global markets.
Apex has not had anyone in the role of president for several years, a spokesperson said.
Dallas-based Apex also said that Tom Valverde, an RIA sales and custody veteran who previously held executive leadership roles at Fidelity Institutional and BNY Mellon’s Pershing, has been appointed general manager of advisory, which is a new position at the company.
Strengthening their years-long connection, the strategic partnership will give the Arkansas-based RIA access to fresh insights to drive asset growth.
Many workers still don't participate in plans or contribute enough to their accounts, and a former DOL leader says she wishes IRAs were looped into the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.
Experts warn that despite AI’s ability to scale, it doesn’t replace the human, emotional relationship with clients.
In her new book 'Lead Bigger,' former AT&T executive Ann Chow explains how today's leader can leverage inclusion to grow their business.
The latest hires catering to business owners and family offices are joining its independent employee division, Raymond James Advisor Select, in Mississipi.
Uncover the key initiatives behind Destiny Wealth Partners’ success and how it became one of the fastest growing fee-only RIAs.
Morningstar’s Joe Agostinelli highlights strategies for advisors to deepen client engagement and drive success