The SEC's proposed cybersecurity rule is an example of a one-size-fits-all regulation that would significantly affect smaller firms.
There's a growing pool of women seeking second careers who come from sectors including education and nursing, professions that create skills perfectly suited for wealth management.
If you’re hoping to capitalize on new opportunities and remain ahead of the curve, it’s crucial to stay on top of current industry trends.
The legislation is a necessary step to ensure that more and more Americans can live comfortably once they stop working.
Let's face it, virtually no two firms have the precise same offerings. However, the partnership can work if the firms have complementary investment philosophies.
So far this year, the 60/40 portfolio has posted its worst performance in over 60 years, as both stocks and bonds sold off.
As more and more workers quit their jobs, advisers can help business clients understand the risks associated with losing talent.
As collaboration platforms replace email as the primary form of internal communications, firms must take the necessary steps to protect themselves and their employees.
Longer lifespans increase the chance that your clients will outlive their money or have to drastically downgrade their lifestyle.
The AUM fee model works well in rising markets, but when markets begin to decline, the model means revenues are falling as the needs of clients increase.
There have been exciting developments in terms of partner firms offering loans and equity options that can provide the capital advisers need to realize their business growth goals.
These plan designs can help small-business clients save big on their taxes while building their retirement nest egg.
Eliminating paper processes can reduce error rates, driving efficiencies for the firm and improving the customer experience.
Don't assume that clients intend to spend their principal in retirement.
Smaller B-Ds and independent RIAs give advisers a platform for more strategic growth as well as a more attentive and supportive environment.
There are important things to consider when selecting a platform that researching online or LinkedIn won't tell you.
Relationships with clients are built on trust. Here are ways advisers can help accelerate the trust-building process.
Advisory firms' challenges when it comes to alts range from getting access to investments, meeting minimums, figuring out how to subscribe and the headache of performance reporting.
Other practices that help limit investors' taxes include asset location, rebalancing and maximizing retirement income.
Some custodians and IBDs will require that an advisory firm move its assets off their platform if the firm is acquired or merges with one of the consolidators.