The Allianz Life survey also showed fewer Americans than last year are worried about a major recession hitting the economy any time soon.
As this year’s tax deadline approaches, take a look at the states that impose the smallest tax burden on residents, according to a WalletHub ranking that takes into account property, income and sales taxes.
As this year’s tax deadline approaches, WalletHub ranks the states in terms of the property, income and sales taxes they impose on residents.
The problem arose from the passage of the SECURE 2.0 Act late last year, which didn’t give financial institutions time to update their systems.
Some members of an ad hoc group of lawmakers who are trying to fashion a deal say prospects have been diminished by President Joe Biden's accusations that Republicans want to cut benefits.
That's one year earlier than the trustees' report estimated last year; the report projects that 80% of benefits would be payable at that time.
The strategy is meant to help advisors more precisely tailor a portfolio to a client's unique circumstances.
The $197 billion RIA is heading to Texas after Washington state refused to dial back a 7% tax on capital gains.
Its decision follows a ruling Friday by the Washington State Supreme Court allowing the state to impose a capital gains tax.
Even though the S&P 500 fell 19% last year, fund managers’ sales of securities to adjust their positions can result in capital gains.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and three colleagues urge Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to curb the use of grantor retained annuity trusts in the name of tax fairness.
The new service combines tax data and cost-basis reporting into a single offering for banks, broker-dealers and custodians.
The InvestmentNews staff plans to ask policy and financial experts in the coming months about their vision for the future of Social Security in the 21st century.
The proposal, which has little chance of passing Congress, would also raise the top tax rate for Americans making $400,000, to 39.6% from 37%, reversing one of Trump's tax cuts.
The president's proposal, which would also give the government new power to negotiate drug prices, would extend the solvency of the Medicare trust fund beyond 2050, the White House says.
The taxes people pay on their homes can pose a major burden, but it depends on which state they live in.
The political makeup doesn’t bode well for passing major tax legislation — and a bill that imposes a specific levy on billionaires would be substantial.
Advisors and clients will see a flurry of coveted tax breaks come and go in the next three years. Here’s how to keep track.
A study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute shows that relatively few account holders invest their funds in assets other than cash, although the number who do so is increasing.
Thirty-four percent of Americans surveyed fear their tax refund won’t make as big of an impact as a result of rising costs, while 33% worry the refund will be smaller than they expect.