
Aaron Elstein

Aaron Elstein is a senior reporter at sister publication Crain's New York Business.

Displaying 67 results


‘Most overpriced stock ever’ gets even more so

Back in September, Crain's New York Business described a tiny New York company called Prime Sun Power Inc. as “the most overpriced stock ever”


Economy’s ‘Dr. Doom’ looks to bright side

Nouriel Roubini, one of the few people to predict the collapse of 2008, long ago morphed from respected economist to global celebrity


Can a cheerier Dr. Doom attract clients?

Public interest in Nouriel Roubini has dwindled as his forecasts have turned more positive — but he's still got plenty of paying customers


‘Most overpriced stock ever’ trading at 80,000 times assets

Prime Sun Power now fetches no less than 80,000 times its assets.


Wall Street edging back to hiring mode

Signs are emerging that Wall Street is looking to staff up after a long, painful purge.


Brokers, banks gone ‘rogue,’ says Jeremy Grantham

Co-founder of GMO also slams money management and financial advice firms. 'We have made no fight as we slid down the rathole.'


Proxy moxie: Goldman in activists’ cross hairs

The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is seen as target No. 1 for activist investors looking to shake up corporate boards now that the Securities and Exchange Commission has made it easier for shareholders to nominate directors.


New details on limo driver in hedge fund fraud

Wall Street chauffeur Alan Fishman drove for Dial Car Inc., and even sat on its board. Hating his “road to nowhere,” he and a family member started a hedge fund that allegedly bilked clients out of $20 million.


Shareholders refuse to put nail in golden coffin

17 of Fortune 100 companies provide death benefits for heirs of top execs. Omnicom stockowners are just the latest to vote down a 'pay-for-no-pulse' proposal


Nuns take aim at Street’s moral dilemma

At Goldman Sachs' annual stockholders meeting May 7, a group of nuns will raise some uncomfortable issues.