
Bill Gross

Articles from William (Bill) Hunt Gross, the legendary bond investor, of Janus Henderson and before that Pacific Investment Management Co., where he managed the Pimco Total Return Fund, which during his time was the world‘s biggest mutual fund.

Displaying 33 results


Bill Gross: Why the ‘old normal’ has not returned

If you're ever in the mood for a glimpse of raw nature that closely parallels the human condition, read Annie Dillard's Pulitzer Prize winning Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.


Bill Gross: Confronting an ‘unfamiliar crisis of unrecognized dimensions’

Lost in the policy debate surrounding the elections and the subsequent demonization of the Fed's Quantitative Easing policies has been any recognition of why we no longer live on Ronald Reagan's shining hill or how we might possibly reclaim higher ground


Bill Gross: Tomorrow is a ‘critical inflection’ point for prosperity

They say a country gets the politicians it deserves or perhaps it deserves the politicians it gets


Pimco’s Bill Gross: No longer will ‘two get you three’

Debt will get you in trouble – on both sides of the dollar bill. As Shakespeare wisely counseled long ago: Neither a borrower nor a lender be


Bill Gross: The path to prosperity is through production

Bill Gross, the Pimco co-CIO, says that the "best route to prosperity is the good old-fashioned route": investing in production.


Bill Gross: An adjunct to the New Normal

The co-CIO of Pimco reveals an adjunct to the New Normal that will likely affect growth and financial markets for years to come


Bill Gross: Here’s how we mend the housing markets

I've had a lot of high perspiration “Right Guard” moments in my life, although I futilely try to live by Gillette's 1984 advertisement of “never let 'em see you sweat.”


Pimco’s Bill Gross: Dismiss bond ratings

A monthly commentary written by Bill Gross, managing director and co-chief investment officer at Pacific Investment Management Co. LLC.


Pimco’s Bill Gross: Winning a different ‘horse’ race

Our “horse” required more and more money every year in order to feed asset appreciation, its eventual securitization and the borrowing that both promoted.


Bill Gross: Models and forecasting may ‘not only be useless, but counterproductive’

Investment management is a privileged profession – not just for being paid by X-times what you're really worth to society, but from the standpoint of longevity.