
Matt Ackermann

Director of Digital Content at InvestmentNews. Twitter: @acketyack

Displaying 394 results


Early 401(k) withdrawal replaces homes as America’s piggy bank

Premature withdrawals from retirement accounts have become America's new piggy bank, cracked open in record amounts during lean times by people such as Cindy Cromie, who needed the money to rent a U-Haul and start a new life.


Winklevoss twins to start bitcoin ETF

The duo are seeking to open the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust as the first ETF tracking a virtual asset. The SEC, meanwhile, has issued an alert warning investors about the dangers of such investments.


David Einhorn: Bernanke answers ‘frightening’ during dinner chat

David Einhorn, manager of the $10 billion Greenlight Capital Inc., said he found a recent dinner conversation with former Federal Reserve chairman Ben S. Bernanke scary.


Hedge funds short small caps most since 2004

Money managers are turning on stocks that have delivered the best returns during the bull market: small caps.