
All articles by Mary Beth Franklin


Gray-haired glut

Employers are worried. They had expected that many of their retirement-age employees would have retired by now, but those graying boomers aren't budging.


65: A speed limit, not a milepost

Increased longevity and the Great Recession are making Baby Boomers reassess the normal retirement age

  • News
  • February 3, 2012

Saving for retirement: Getting help from the boss

If there is a silver lining to the financial crisis, it may be that Americans are finally waking up to the notion that they need to save more for retirement.


The secrets of Social Security

Even for the typically affluent clients of financial advisers, informed decisions about how and when to claim Social Security benefits can mean thousands of extra dollars a year, and tens of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. Are you prepared to advise clients on this crucial decision?