
Mark Schoeff Jr.

Mark Schoeff Jr. is a senior reporter at InvestmentNews. Based in Washington, D.C., he covers legislation and regulations affecting retail investment advisers and brokers. Prior to joining InvestmentNews in 2010, he wrote about employment and labor law for Workforce Management, a magazine that was published at the time by Crain Communications. He is a member of the National Press Club board. Before migrating to the editorial side of the journalism ecosystem, he served as press secretary for the late Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana and as director of external relations for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank in Washington. In a region where people keep their hometown loyalties intact, he has lived in the Washington area long enough to become an actual fan of the Nationals, Wizards, Capitals and the Washington Football Team. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Purdue University and a master’s degree from George Mason University.

Displaying 3395 results


Key Republican presses Goldman execs on fiduciary obligations

Fiduciary standard for B-Ds dead and buried? Not so fast. During the grilling of Goldman Sachs execs in Congress today, a key Republican senator raised the issue again


Fiduciary advocates are optimistic on Senate bill

As the debate over financial regulatory reform heats up in the Senate, the fiduciary-standard issue simmers on a back burner, though its backers haven't abandoned hope of seeing its inclusion in a final bill.


Tax extender legislation short on certainty, clouding financial advice

Fate of measures to extend tax breaks – such as tax-free contributions to IRAs – still unknown; 'difficult to give good advice'


Fiduciaries see Collins proviso as a betrayal

As the battle over the inclusion of a fiduciary standard in a comprehensive financial-regulatory-reform bill intensifies, advocates of imposing the standard on all advice givers expressed disappointment in an amendment offered by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, last Thursday.


Senate confirms SEC nominees

The Senate confirmed Elisse Walter of Finra, Atlanta attorney Luis Aguilar and Professor Troy Paredes to the SEC today.