
Scott Kleinberg

Scott Kleinberg was born in Brooklyn — Coney Island/Brighton Beach, to be specific — grew up in New Jersey, went to college in Pittsburgh, spent 11 years in Chicago, finally moved back to Brooklyn and is now InvestmentNews’ social media manager. He’s been a journalist for 25 years, working at newspapers big and small in nearly every role from reporter to editor to front page designer to columnist to social media manager. Some of his proudest social media moments include being followed on Twitter by Jimmy Fallon, Yoko Ono and Melissa Joan Hart — not at the same time — and being called a nobody (in the best way possible) by William Shatner. Scott is also a regular guest on WGN radio in Chicago, where he discusses social media and internet trends with morning show host Bob Sirott. Scott taught students on the university level as a guest lecturer. Scott and his wife were married during a Pirates-Cubs game at PNC Park. You can followScott on Twitter at @scottkleinberg. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn.

Displaying 31 results


Congratulations! You’re already a social media expert

The key to social media success is ... just a few paragraphs away.


Some social media advice never goes out of style

Why Roseanne Barr might wish she found my columns before she lost her way on Twitter.


Good social media doesn’t require magic

Top 5 tips to be excellent at social media — no wands, abracadabras or magic dust required.


Social media spring cleaning is a must — now more than ever

Those Facebook issues you keep hearing about are a top reason to pay more attention to your account settings.


Alternative investments in social media: Assessing the risks of trying a new network

You're already a pro on Twitter and LinkedIn, so what's wrong with going outside your comfort zone?


Facebook changes explained: Here’s what to do right now

When your news feed starts to look different — and it soon will — don't panic.


5 easy social media resolutions for 2018

Sure, there are the usual ones — leave work on time, go to the gym — but these you can actually do now.


Twitter grows from 140 characters to 280 — what happens now?

Double the number of characters means better tweeting, right? Let's think about that


Sharing on social media: How to do it right every time

5 tips to avoid being that Twitter follower or LinkedIn contact who regularly spreads misinformation.


5 things you should be doing on social media

Whether you tweet, Facebook or LinkedIn, here are 5 tips to succeed