
Tim Steffen

Tim Steffen is director of advanced planning for Baird. Follow him on Twitter @TimSteffenCPA.

Displaying 27 results


Traditional or Roth 401(k): How to choose

Deciding between a traditional and Roth 401(k) is essentially a bet on how your future income tax rates will compare to their current rate.


Qualified charitable distributions not always the best way to give

While a QCD can provide a real tax benefit to some IRA owners, in most cases keeping the RMD and giving appreciated securities to charity will be a better tax strategy.


Tax planning and the law of unintended consequences

Now is the time to examine the repercussions of your standardized versus customized advice.


How advisers can help lessen the impact of the alternative minimum tax

High-earning clients likely to be caught up in the tax code's confusing alternate universe.


Fees v. commissions: Different tax advantages

Advisers need to create a pricing model that best reflects the type of business they run and the services they provide.


Not all loan interest is created equal

There's a lot of misunderstanding regarding the rules on deducting the interest paid on a loan.


Use tax time to focus on retirement

This time of year is perfect for getting clients to contribute to their nest eggs and save on taxes