
Emerging Markets

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How to ‘backdoor’ emerging markets in 2011

Emerging markets remain red-hot among investors, but rather than just making a broad sector bet, advisers should look for specific and strategic exposure to these economies as a way to minimize risk and take advantage of sweet deals.


El-Erian: ‘Japan can navigate this’

Pimco boss says country's high savings rate, repatriation of overseas capital will help country overcome disaster


Investors calm as Egypt erupts

With volatility in the financial markets creeping up last week in the wake of the unrest in Egypt, this is not a time for knee-jerk investment decisions, according to money managers and market analysts


Protests turn ugly, and so do Egypt’s borrowing costs

Egypt’s plan to raise 4 billion ($683 million) Egyptian pounds this week at debt auctions was disrupted after…


Earthquake in Japan rattles U.S. investors

As the crisis in Japan continues to unfold, some worried U.S. investors have turned to their financial advisers for reassurance that the market won't suffer a 2008-like decline


Japan quake to trigger global sell-off?

Money managers are divided on whether the tragedy in Japan marks the end of the global bull run — or the start of a new buying opportunity


Japan temblor alone probably won’t swamp reinsurers

Probably not, although when paired with other recent disasters, carriers' pain could be chronic


Suddenly, bloom off the rose for foreign stocks

Money managers' interest in international markets wilting as U.S. growth take center stage


Foreigners buy $11B in Japanese stock — in one week

Investors not bullish on Japan, but pour record amount of money into Nikkei anyway; 'oversold'


BRIC’s neighbors are where the value is, Fred Alger manager says

Markets like Taiwan offer under-the-radar investment opportunities


Pimco not seeing fund redemptions in Asia: El-Erian

Pacific Investment Management Co. hasn't seen redemptions from Asia investors following last week's earthquake in Japan, Chief Executive Officer Mohamed El-Erian said.


Nikkei plunge an ‘overreaction,’ Oakmark managers say

Firm's International Fund has 23% of assets in Japan; 'high-quality companies'


Coming attractions? Japan could go bust after credit rate cut

S&P's move will raise borrowing costs for world's most-indebted industrialized nation; 'fire is lit'


Other than the ‘I’, BRICs a great second-half play: BlackRock

Russ Koesterich says emerging markets will reemerge as good bets in the second half of the year; pass on India, however


This country’s debt biggest turkey among emerging markets

Turkish debt getting hammered; Istanbul market derailed by trouble in Middle East


Billionaire loses $2.6B in stock market — in one day

Ambani blames rumor-mongering rivals for massive sell-off; 'vicious and illegal'


Concern about Egypt

Cumberland Advisors, which manages $1.5 billion in separately managed accounts, has shifted its portfolio to 20% cash — the highest that it has been since early 2008, over fears related to the situation in Egypt


Powell tells advisers upheaval in Mideast could be downer for U.S.

Former secretary of state warns that 'revolutionary changes' in the Middle East may not benefit the West


Egypt an oil price powder keg? Not likely, says global fund manager

Oppenheimer's Zervos expects plenty of noise, but little investment impact from uprising; country accounts for meager 0.3% of global GDP


How to play the turbulence in Egypt

Energy sector already boosted; rare buying opportunity for frontier funds