
Editor's Note

Weekly missive from the Editor.

Displaying 72 results


A new world for retirement plan advisers

The average client’s house is in reasonably good order, but mass affluent plan participants may need additional help


Retirement bill offers glimmer of hope

There’s a lot in the bill for pre-retirees, company sponsors and retirees, but the changes proposed for retirees jumped out at me


Putting words into action

A free virtual event will examine strategies to make the industry better represent our society


Turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes!

Despite unexpected challenges, the IN team has accomplished much in a year that most people would like to forget


Private Wealth Adviser goes international

Thanks to the reach our parent company provides, this issue marks the first time we could incorporate a global outlook


We listened

When we make changes to the website, and the magazine, we operate with our ears open. Here are the highlights


When finance gets political

If you’re being yelled at by acolytes of either extreme, then you’re doing it right


Lessons from 2020: Moving forward

InvestmentNews will take the pulse of advisers over the next four months, as they navigate the paradigm shifts happening in the advice industry


Lessons from 2020: New InvestmentNews surveys

InvestmentNews will introduce a series of short polls to gather adviser learnings and sentiments around 2020


Recognizing financial advice innovators

We welcome submissions for InvestmentNews' 2021 Icons and Innovators Awards


The force of diversity

Consistent support is key to progress on diversity and inclusion matters in the advice industry


Don’t let COVID-19 distract you from retirement

The key to success for clients planning for retirement is a regular cadence for questions to be asked and new information to be shared


Come together … virtually

Just as we’ve all adapted to new realities elsewhere in business, we’re adapting to the new conference reality


An eye on tomorrow

Nominations close Sept. 7 for the sixth annual Women to Watch recognition program


Maximizing your digital magazine experience

Bringing back the physical version last month further informed our desire to deliver this magazine in all the ways that you need it


A 40 Under 40 for 2020

The 2020 winners hail from the traditional arenas of RIAs, wirehouses, insurance companies and broker-dealers, but we also from academia, fintech and public relations


Don’t conflate diversity and ESG

For the financial advice community, achieving diversity represents its future


The return of print

Hard copies are back, but we promise to deliver the same great digital edition you've enjoyed over the past few months


The power of information

I won’t pretend to have solutions to the rampant polarization in our country, but knowledge improves discourse, and discourse leads to solutions


A contemplation of Regulation BI

The brokerage industry, which has a reputation for not always quietly abiding to external forces, has remained curiously silent on the impending changes