

Senior columnist Jeff Benjamin takes a free-range look at the topics most relevant to the advice industry, including investments, practice management and wherever he sees opportunities to move the advice industry forward.

Displaying 41 results


ESG loyalty will be tested as performance starts to lag

A report shows that the ESG investment category 'got lucky' by benefiting from high-profile climate disasters.


Advisers can learn from Eileen Cure and her practice management fiasco

The Texas adviser, shunned for alleged racist comments, missed the memo on diversity benefits but exposed a broader conundrum facing advisers.


Beware the sleight of hand in ProPublica’s pitch to tax the wealthy

A sensational report arguing that the wealthy don't pay their fair share of income taxes starts to crumble when percentages are replaced with real money.


Keeping ESG investment performance in perspective

After 12-month returns in the triple digits, investors got a wake-up call when ESG funds came crashing back down to earth.


Moving past the pandemic

The financial services industry relied on technology and innovation to adapt and keep business running throughout the pandemic, and should continue to embrace much of what was learned.


The ESG space must take a hard line on greenwashing

The industry is nowhere near settled on a common vernacular. The ESG space needs more clarity and writing off greenwashing is not helping anyone.


Buckle up! The GameStop saga isn’t going away

The real fun is just getting started, now that everybody and their mother knows what a short squeeze is.


An old bond strategy is new again — and it’s good as gold

A fledgling operation is hoping to turn back the clock by introducing gold bonds that are purchased and repaid with actual gold, a common practice about 90 years ago before FDR’s Gold Reserve Act put the kibosh on all the fun.


Morningstar makeover confirms I need to keep leaning on stocks

Lessons learned after letting Christine Benz analyze the way I save for retirement


How the pandemic has put women further behind the financial curve

Ingrained perceptions and stereotypes about women and investing are only exacerbated by the realities of COVID-19


New book details how financial pros manage their own money

A collection of essays from Josh Brown and other top investors proves there are many ways to invest


The time to look beyond bonds for income is right now

Savvy advisers are adding value by trimming fixed income and rethinking the 60/40 rule


Asset-based fee models are ‘lazy’ — and flawed

Most advisers don't know what their time is worth, according to research from Bob Veres of Inside Information


ETF market continues searching for the perfect expense ratio

When zero fees are not expensive enough


LPL shines a spotlight on succession planning

Assurance Plans can be described as 'term life insurance' for your business


Financial planners will find an open lane when focusing on client values

Older advisers in particular are missing the mark when it comes to the softer side of client relations


Goldman, Fidelity, Gabelli put new spin on semi-transparent ETFs

The asset management industry's push of the unique wrapper could be a tough sell with advisers


Advisers should look before leaping into stimulus debt programs

Unless it's a matter of business survival, the strings attached to the loans might prove even more costly


Advisers needed as Congress paves the way for selling low

Unless clients are in dire circumstances, tapping retirement assets now is a losing strategy


Should fee-based advisers take stimulus loans?

The forgivable SBA loans could save some small businesses, or help support the bottom line of fee-based advisers