

Displaying 4298 results


BrokerCheck needs a marketing effort

It's time for Finra to get serious about making sure investors know BrokerCheck exists.


Opaque ETFs not in the public interest

SEC must keep investors front of mind and avoid being swayed by fund company arguments about nontransparent ETFs


You can’t always get what you want

There are no guarantees your practice will attract the high multiple you think it deserves in a sale.


How Social Security annual increases are calculated

COLA formula was established by law in 1972.


Do we really need more deliberation on the fiduciary standard, commissioner?

It is time for the commission to get to work and craft a rule to make this policy a reality.


For retirees, no relief in sight from low rates

Rates tumble as Federal Reserve's easy money policy keeps going


Low interest rates hard on retirees

No relief in sight for retirees and other savers who have borne the brunt of the Federal Reserve's easy money policy


Who should be accredited these days?

Time the SEC revamped the accredited investor definition in a way that broadens the potential pool of investors and strengthens verification that they qualify.


No license to boast

New research shows how uncomfortable self promotion makes listeners.


Follow the smart money to alts

If advisers are truly looking out for the best interests of their clients, the 60-40 portfolio approach needs to change.


3 risk-related reasons to put off claiming Social Security

The choice of when and how to claim Social Security benefits can affect the three biggest financial risks that retirees encounter.


The $150,000 retirement decision

Only 5% of retirees claim past 67. But taking your Social Security benefits later can offset threats of longevity, inflation, markets downturns.


Distribution error wipes out IRA

An entire IRA was lost to a distribution error after death. This is a textbook case of what…


Relationships: The real social media ROI

When engaging clients, forget investment advice. Talk about your life, and ask about theirs


Advisers must avert Pimco panic

Gross' departure yet another opportunity for advisers to reach out to clients and provide sage advice


Apple Pay may feel painless. At first.

Studies show that people spend as much as 100% more when they don't use 'real' money.


Dispatch from the retirement front

InvestmentNews contributing editor gives an update on how life has changed since her husband retired.


How do you buy a relationship?

When purchasing a firm, advisers enter contact with an unpredictable asset: clients.


Fiduciary: Contentious, unsettled

But consensus for one standard building among thought leaders and decision makers


Financial planning programs need champions

Bringing awareness of the financial planning profession to college campuses requires a combination of ingredients