

Displaying 4307 results


Home Depot makes the right moves

Corporate America received a dose of common sense when The Home Depot Inc. said that its new chief executive, Frank Blake, would be paid a fraction of what his predecessor was taking home.


Tables turned: Planners hire help to handle their finances

There's an old saying that a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client.


Monday Morning: Generation Y has money, needs advice

With increased competition in the financial services industry, discovering untapped sources of potential customers has become more important…


High-yield bonds make big comeback, but rally may be spent

It is one of those rare moments in Leon Wagner's 26 years on Wall Street. Virtually every investment he has made recently has gone up - a lot.


Deferred compensation could be next casualty, advisers fear

Deferred-compensation plans, one of the last ways for middle-level managers to save enough money for retirement, may be…


Monday Morning: Our role in a rapidly changing industry

Humpty Dumpty had a special relationship with language. “When I use a word,” he scolded, “it means just…


Five things to ask annuity providers

Not so long ago, annuity carriers were judged primarily on the investment options, guarantees and services they provided.


Monday Morning: Independent research is no oxymoron

By now you probably know all about the shell game that many Wall Street analysts have been accused of playing with "buy," "hold" and "sell" ratings.


Monday Morning: Advisers fell short after towers toppled

The world turned upside down when the twin towers at the World Trade Center fell Sept. 11. But for the vast majority of individuals who call themselves financial advisers, the calamity wasn't enough of a motivation to telephone their clients.


Monday Morning: Balmy Boca carries message of renewal

Reflections from the the Securities Industry Association annual meeting.


Monday Morning: Here’s a blast from the past – dividends

Another look at stock dividends.


Dilemma for IRS: How big can a hedge be?

To qualify as a hedging transaction, must a hedge be proportionate in size to the volume of the…


Tax Watch: In wake of new tax law, time for planning

It’s number crunching time! Tax planning will be driven by projections of the impact of changes in the…


Tax Watch: IRS making it easier to change the tax year

The Internal Revenue Service has issued proposed revenue procedures that would allow partnerships, S corporations, electing S corporations…


Tax Watch: IRS chief agrees service is not meeting goals

The Internal Revenue Service might be taking steps to address its failings, but Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti says…


Tax Watch: House panel urges tax break for fund holders

In a recently released report, Congress’ Joint Economic Committee recommends changing the tax treatment of capital gains distributed…


Court to planners: No documentation, no deductions

The U.S. Tax Court recently denied an income tax deduction for rental payments associated with taxpayers’ financial planning…


Tax Watch: Bush package could make tax code more taxing

Will President Bush’s tax package complicate or simplify the Internal Revenue Code? “The current environment in Washington can…


Tax Watch: IRS gets poor marks from oversight board

The Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board has issued a scathing review of the agency’s performance. The same report…


Tax Watch: Canada offers tax lures for backing risky exploration

Canada is offering potentially lucrative incentives to those who invest in Canadian mining exploration. However, according to the…