
Financial Planning Association (FPA)

Displaying 193 results


Insurance groups opposed to DOL fiduciary rule step up campaign spending

The insurance and brokerage industries have shelled out many more dollars for congressional campaigns and lobbying than investment adviser organizations.


FPA nudged CFP Board to drop its automatic $25 donation

Although the board relented, it does have a $10 million fundraising goal for its new Center for Financial Planning.


Financial planners foresee little disruption to practices from DOL fiduciary rule

Three investment advisers who charge fees, commissions and by the hour for their services don't anticipate big changes at their firms.


What changes to look for in the final DOL fiduciary rule

Advocates, opponents of the rule seek similar alterations, and we'll likely know Wednesday if they were made.


Adviser groups step up lobbying as DOL rule nears completion

Organizations opposed to the fiduciary rule invested more in Capitol Hill outreach efforts last year, trying to convince Congress to stop the measure.


Adviser groups, financial firms keep cash flowing to congressional candidates

Organizations that dominate lobbying expenditures also donate the most to political campaigns. Leading the charge are NAIFA and the ICI, while TD Ameritrade contributed just $9,000.


Show me the money: Financial advisory trade groups pay handsomely

If you want to make money in the financial advisory business, don't be a financial adviser. Heading groups that advocate for them pays much better. Plus, see what the top brass make.


Miracle goalie Jim Craig addresses planners

Winning teams have a shared dream and get better every day, said Jim Craig, goalie of the 1980…


Groups opposing DOL fiduciary rule step up lobbying spending

Proponents' dollars lag this year, with a focus on grass-roots action.


FPA aims to connect advisers with business help in Boston this weekend

National adviser conference features gold medal ice hockey goalie and weighty practice management agenda.


Broker groups step up political spending early in election cycle

Contributions from investment advisers, however, slow down.


Momentum to defund DOL fiduciary rule seems unstoppable

But proponents look to the history of the fight to maintain optimism.


It’s time for financial planners to find our voice

FPA's 2015 president says too many advisers are silent on vital issues that affect their and their clients' livelihoods.


Brokerage industry lobbying dollars dwarf investment advisers’

The brokerage industry's lobbying spending dwarfed advisers' in the first quarter, with the DOL fiduciary rule a primary focus.

  • March 19, 2015

Ohio State’s Cardale Jones: ‘No’ to the NFL, ‘yes’ to financial planning

A college football star wants to be a financial planner.

  • November 5, 2014

Who’s spending what on political candidates?

With Senate control at stake in tomorrow's election, interest groups representing the brokerage and insurance industries are spending substantially more than financial adviser groups, and are adding to their lead.


CFP Board eliminates government relations position

Move comes as advice issues getting congressional attention.

  • September 21, 2014

Revenue deflated in recent years, FPA says it’s now on a growth trajectory

Association is promoting more stringent standards for brokers, promises to do more with less.


Tittsworth exits IAA after waging battles on behalf of investment advisers

After 18 years, David Tittsworth is leaving the Investment Adviser Association, a group he led during a period of expanding regulation.


FPA talks with White House about new advice fee models

Alternatives to charging a percentage of AUM might broaden market for financial advice, group suggests.