
Marketing Strategies

Displaying 85 results

  • July 9, 2007

A tutorial on creating a ‘raving’ marketing plan

Successful marketing programs don’t exist in a vacuum. This hit home when a financial adviser recently asked if I had a program to improve his client communications. When I asked what he wanted to accomplish, he said that his goal was to create “raving fans,” a reference to the book of that title by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles (William Morrow, 1993).

  • June 4, 2007

Want CPA referrals? Then think like a CPA

Any financial adviser who has tried to attract referrals from certified public accountants knows how frustrating — and often fruitless — that exercise can be. I once worked with an adviser at the investment advisory arm of a prestigious accounting firm in Baltimore. He wanted help building referrals from the firm’s CPAs in order to market to the firm’s client base.

  • May 7, 2007

A retro approach to attracting wealthy clients

Almost every adviser struggles with the challenge of reaching out to prospects who are wealthier and potentially more lucrative than current clients.

  • April 9, 2007

Adviser’s challenge: Generating referrals, retaining assets

A few years ago, I attend-ed a Schwab [Institutional] conference and sat in on an adviser round table on marketing.


The Fast Track: Teaching marketing with flower power

What do spending time in a women’s prison and handing out carnations on the streets of Denver have…