
Social Security Rules

Displaying 99 results


Rate-of-return analysis shows value of delaying Social Security

Here's how higher-earning spouses should maximize benefits.


The most commonly asked Social Security question

Can both spouses file and suspend their benefits?


Hurried trip down the aisle nixes widow’s survivor benefits

Waiting until age 60 or later to remarry preserves Social Security benefits.


Social Security begins paying survivor benefits to same-sex married couples

To qualify for survivor's benefits, spouses must have been married nine months, except under certain conditions.


Three great reasons to file and suspend Social Security benefits

Claiming strategy triggers benefits for children, spouses and protects your own.


Social Security’s rearview mirror: Retroactive benefits

How to maximize Social Security benefits for a married couple, both of whom turned 66 in January 2013, and are just now filing.


How to hedge bets when claiming Social Security

The file-and-suspend strategy offers an added benefit: It can serve as an insurance policy if you change your mind and decide not to delay your benefits after all.


File-and-suspend strategy works for singles, too

Social Security strategy normally reserved for couples allows unmarried to hedge their bets.

  • News
  • December 5, 2013

Sometimes life is not fair – and neither is Social Security

Divorced spouses eligible for vastly different benefits than new ones.


How returning to work affects Social Security benefits

Normally, when you continue to work while collecting benefits before your full retirement age, you lose. But what happens when you reach 66?


Social Security-claiming options for spouses of different ages

Sometimes creative strategies just won't work.


Unraveling mystery Social Security lump-sum payments

Some retirees can receive up to six-months of retroactive benefits.


Age differences can muddle Social Security-claiming strategies

Married couples should focus on maximizing survivor benefits.


Decoding Social Security’s family maximum-benefit rules

Couples aren't affected if no minor children are collecting benefits.


A real life case of confused claiming strategies

When to use 'file and suspend' vs. a restricted claim for spousal benefits.


Mary Beth Franklin: Four costly Social Security mistakes

While some retirees are simply uniformed, others are dangerously misinformed.


What happens to Medicare when you suspend Social Security bennies?

You don't lose your health care coverage -- unless you opt out.


Mary Beth Franklin: How to play the Social Security age game

Sometimes it makes sense for one spouse to claim benefits early.


The secrets of Social Security

Even for the typically affluent clients of financial advisers, informed decisions about how and when to claim Social Security benefits can mean thousands of extra dollars a year, and tens of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. Are you prepared to advise clients on this crucial decision?