

Displaying 6 results


Black Diamond seen unlikely to go the way of TechFi

Advent Software Inc.'s announced $73 million deal for Black Diamond Performance Reporting LLC is the biggest news in portfolio management and performance reporting in years


Technology helps advisers tap insight on global scale

Since true out-of-the-box innovation in adviser technology is relatively rare, my antennae are always up, looking for new, interesting angles to share with readers


Bye Bye Qube, hello starPort

An adviser wrote me the other day seeking advice after reading the series of CRM columns I wrote the last few weeks


CRM systems for the big guys

Let's pick up where we left off last week in our search for the best customer relationship management system for larger investment advisory and hybrid firms


A different approach to high-tech planning

Providing scalable high-tech, high-touch financial advice to the mass affluent has been a goal of adviser entrepreneurs since the days of MS-DOS. While the technology and knowledge certainly exist to make it happen, doing so successfully and profitably thus far has been elusive.


Navigating the CRM labyrinth

It's obvious from my recent conversations with advisers that customer relationship management software still causes plenty of confusion