

Displaying 2693 results


In poll, economists say they expect Congress to pass tax cuts by Nov. 2018

They do not believe the cuts will do much to help economy next year.


How to fund a Social Security delay

Several strategies can cover the gap to help clients claim a bigger benefit later


Good health is key to retirement security

Incorporating health-care costs into retirement plans can boost an adviser's value.


A refresher course on Social Security claiming rules

New "deeming" rules can trip up claiming strategies.


Bannon proposal to raise top tax rate dismissed by White House official

Income-tax increase on wealthy to pay for middle-class cuts won't encourage growth, says Marc Short, Trump's director of legislative affairs.


On Social Security, financial advisers tell clients to not count on much

Beyond debating its solvency, advisers embrace the reality of a broken system.


Bannon plan to raise taxes on highest earners may find GOP support

Lawmaker says higher top income-tax rate may be acceptable, if coupled with other changes benefiting corporations.


Postponing tax is a lofty goal

Offering a comprehensive tax-postponement strategy can be extremely beneficial to clients.


Missing from Retirement Income Planning: A Plan

Majority of advisers do not create written plans for clients, forgoing business growth opportunities.


How to fix Social Security

Retirement expert Alicia Munnell talks about the options for mending the 82-year-old safety net.


Time to remind clients about taxes

No matter what tax reform Congress enacts, funds will still feel a bite


American dream sinking into abyss of uncertainty

Government report reveals grim outlook for Social Security compounded by trends in income inequality and health care.


Social Security reserves still expected to be depleted by 2034: annual report

Depletion of Disability (DI) trust fund pushed back five years due to a temporary increase of its share of the payroll tax.


Trump’s tax cuts would cost $7.8 trillion and go mostly to wealthy

About 40% of the tax cut would go to the top 1% of earners, who'd see an average after-tax gain of 17.8%, new study says.


Promises by Congress to protect retirement-savings incentives don’t ease advocates

Concern about 'Rothification' as part of larger tax reform spurs lobbying.


GOP to keep Obamacare taxes on wealthy in latest health-care bill: sources

Though the House version would repeal the 3.8 percent tax on net investment income and 0.9 percent Medicare surtax, the Senate is trying to win over moderate holdouts.


Tax reform uncertainty grows as congressional calendar shrinks

Several obstacles await lawmakers, including an ongoing health-care fight and deadlines to keep the government running, let alone divisions among Republicans on the basic parameters of a tax bill.


How Social Security treats the survivors of young workers

Eligibility rules are more lenient for the survivors of young workers because of their brief careers.


Dual income couples complicate Social Security earnings test

Benefits of one — or both — could be reduced due to excess earnings.


An adviser’s guide to Social Security survivor benefits

Complex rules govern who gets what and when.