
Danny Sarch

Danny Sarch is the founder and owner of Leitner Sarch Consultants, a wealth management recruiting firm based in White Plains, N.Y.

Displaying 82 results


Brokers: Either move toward a fiduciary standard or have it forced upon you

Being on the side of the argument that says you do not have to act in the best interests of your client is laughable.


How the DOL fiduciary rule could affect financial adviser recruiting

Here are some ramifications the new rule may have on adviser movement in the industry.


Lesson from Bank of America settlement with Merrill Lynch trainees: Long hours required to make it

If the firm's executives expected trainees to work long hours without being compensated for their overtime, then they deserved to lose the lawsuit.


Recruiter questions Merrill Lynch’s client retention numbers

Wirehouse recently claimed it typically retains 40%-50% of client assets after an adviser leaves.


The biggest teams are not going independent for financial reasons

Policies and procedures which, when layered upon already onerous rules and regulations, fail to recognize advisers' years of experience and wisdom.


What’s ahead for the broker recruiting protocol in an age of generational transition?

The question of who 'owns' the client becomes key as firms seek to 'marry' younger advisers to their older colleagues.


Wall Street firms band together to support a headhunter’s cause

By definition, being a headhunter puts me in an adversarial relationship with some firms (working against them), while…


On a Day of Mourning, We All Can Use a Laugh

Today is another anniversary of 9/11 and we all remember where we were on that horrible morning. I…


Sarch: Morgan Stanley 3D, almost a year later

I have teenage girls. They are wonderful kids and I am sure that many of you share some…


When your firm costs you clients, Part 1

Cross-selling may sound like a good idea, but lousy service can send customers packing