
Danny Sarch

Danny Sarch is the founder and owner of Leitner Sarch Consultants, a wealth management recruiting firm based in White Plains, N.Y.

Displaying 82 results


Growth Problems

Is it possible for the big firms to successfully grow?


Lessons Big Firms Can Learn from Small Firms

Many if not Most Advisors of acquired firms leave "Big" and return to "Small." Why?


Is Big Inevitable, or Just Bad?

The giant firm conundrum: is it possible to create scale and still stay entrepreneurial?


Good People Have Options

Both good companies and troubled companies have some lessons to learn


Does Loyalty Have a Place on "Wall Street"?

I got an e-mail from a Branch Manager who read my blog on culture: “Sarch, you missed the…


What is "culture" at a company anyway?

Can you keep that "culture" intact with so many changes happening within the organization?


A Conversation in Sarch’s office. In 2016. (Part 1)

Hold onto your books. Because Management is not what is used to be--Or will be.


Wirehouse Woes

The Four Remaining Wire Houses Will Succeed or Fail Based on How Well They Address These Three Things


Krawcheck in; Sontag Out

Is this a good trade for Merrill Advisors?


Fire, reload, Re-Hire

Wow, I read this morning that Merrill Lynch has already started aggressively hiring trainee Financial Advisors