
Devin McGinley

Devin started at InvestmentNews as a Research Analyst in 2019 and became Director of Research at the beginning of 2022. Connect with him at LinkedIn here.

Displaying 45 results


Recruiting takes a hit in 2022, with moves down 5.3% from 2021

On net, the RIA channel gained 1,097 advisors and independent broker-dealers gained 923, while 1,291 advisors on net left wirehouses.


Best Practices Awards spotlight study’s top performers

Our 2022 Best Practices consist of 11 firms — two solo practices and three firms in each ensemble category — that were the highest achievers in these metrics.


10 best places to retire abroad

For those considering moving to a foreign country when they retire to stretch their savings, here are the top locations.


Recruiting slows in Q3, with moves down 4.4% vs. 2021

High inflation, poor market returns, rising interest rates and their anticipated impact on the economy may have advisers staying put.


Midterm elections a matter of personal politics for financial advisers

Advisers surveyed preferred that Republicans control Congress when it convenes in 2023 by a margin of 60% to 25%.


Advisers to fill portfolio chinks with fixed income and alts 

While advisers may not expect anywhere near the market growth over the next year that investors enjoyed in 2021, many advisers believe they’ve already seen the bottom this year.


Recruiting slowed in the first half while M&A soared

Volatile markets may be holding recruiting activity back from its breakneck pre-pandemic pace but mergers and acquisitions have more than rebounded from the 2020 low.


‘Following the money’ not so easy in a world of remote work

Remote work could be a double-edged sword for advisers in cities poised for growth in population and wealth, providing a local opportunity on one hand, but new competition from virtual advisers on the other.


Recruiting has gotten off to a sluggish start this year

The pace of industry recruiting has remained lower since the onset of the pandemic and the work-from-home policies and travel restrictions that followed.


Pursuing what matters most when you go independent

The trend of breaking away seems to have intensified a year after most employee-advisers were suddenly left without the resources or supervision of daily office life.