
Joe Duran

Joe Duran is head of Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management. You can follow him at @DuranMoney.

Displaying 112 results


Adviser lessons from Dr. Dre: Long-term greedy vs. short-term greedy

What if taking upfront money actually reduces the ability to capture the real long-term wealth in your firm?


Forget fines, regulators want public scoldings

Fines for bad actions are yesterday's news; today, sanctions come with acknowledgment of guilt and potential for personal liability and loss.


Time is money: Quantifying the value of working hours

Introducing 'the law of 1,920' to underline that advisers' income is completely dependent on where they spend their work hours in a year


4 reasons you keep losing your best employees

High employee turnover is brutal for a service business such as financial advice. Joe Duran on how to create a dynamic culture within your office.


The adviser of the future: 3 trends of tomorrow

The future of business is being determined at breakneck speed. Joe Duran says that the companies of tomorrow are tapping into a few deep-seated human desires today.


Attack of the robo-advisers: Man versus machine

Countless books and movies have been written about the point at which computers shift from being our friend to becoming the enemy. Joe Duran writes that for financial advisers, the battle lines are being drawn right now.


Finding originality in financial services in a sea of copycats

It is very hard to stand out in such an overwhelmingly cluttered market place. Here's some of Joe Duran's strategies for success.


How Lewis’ "Flash Boys" will impact the financial advisory industry

There are good books that make you think differently about the world, and occasionally great books that really make you question the underpinnings of what you think reality is. The new Michael Lewis book, “Flash Boys,” falls into the latter camp.


An adviser’s toughest job: Telling a client the truth

Many will not have saved enough to see them through retirement.


The beauty of truth

Surely nothing could matter more to clients than advisers seeing the truth and helping client to live their truth. Unfortunately, there are a couple of roadblocks that stop advisers from really living up to the promise and the beauty of truth.