
Joe Duran

Joe Duran is head of Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management. You can follow him at @DuranMoney.

Displaying 112 results


3 quotes every adviser should remember

Three quotes that have impacted the United Capital CEO and are particularly useful in regard to financial choices we all make.


4 steps to take to make sure you win with clients in 2016

In the midst of one of the most disruptive periods in the history of the industry, embracing change is key


How clients really want advisers to earn fees

The advice industry spends a fortune trying to build better, cheaper mousetraps to allow consumers to invest efficiently but the impact is not important in the context of most people's lives.


4 ways the Labor Department is about to rock our world

The proposed fiduciary standard will have the biggest impact since the deregulation of the securities industry a few decades ago.


Why a big market decline won’t kill the robo

Just as the 2000 tech bubble collapse did not end the expansion of online travel sites, a bear market will not kill the digital-adviser revolution.


Surviving change at warp speed

Digitization of our industry is not a choice. What is a choice is whether you are empowered by it or you are consumed by it.


The dinosaur in the room – coping with change

When any industry goes through major disruption, like the financial business today, there are four strategies you can follow to avoid extinction. Here's how and when to use each.


No bull: Why it’s a good idea to risk everything

The United Capital chief recounts the lessons he's learned from running with the bulls in Pamplona over the past four decades.


How to make better decisions for you and your clients

Greece shows how bad decisions can add up to create a nightmare.


Uber versus yellow cabs: A fight advisers should watch

This loud battle provides some important lessons for financial advisers who want to avoid going the way of the cab driver.