
Jeff Nash

Jeff Nash was a reporter for sister publications Pensions & Investments and Financial Week before becoming Assistant Managing Editor at InvestmentNews from 2009 to 2012. He then moved on to be a Finance Editor at The Wall Street Journal and then Managing Editor at CNBC. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

Displaying 103 results


New twist on loophole exploits charitable trust

Bank of New York Co.’s brain trust believes it has discovered a new variation on an old loophole…


Flying electrons and dead trees likely bedfellows

The proposed megamerger of America Online Inc. and Time Warner Inc. has ignited talk of more deals between…


Flying electrons and dead trees likely bedfellows

The proposed megamerger of America Online Inc. and Time Warner Inc. has ignited talk of more deals between…


MONDAY MORNING: Boiler room guys too busy to see flick

Financial advisers concerned that the new Hollywood hit “Boiler Room” paints an ugly picture of their business need…

  • News
  • March 6, 2000

Egos on parade as Wall Street ponders future

Federal regulators have begun one of the most sweeping debates on the stock market since the New York Stock Exchange opened in 1817.


Fees: Nothing less than a tax on securities

Investors deserve a break, and for that matter, so do capital markets and federal regulators. That was the…


MONDAY MORNING: Boiler room guys too busy to see flick

Financial advisers concerned that the new Hollywood hit “Boiler Room” paints an ugly picture of their business need…


Fees: Nothing less than a tax on securities

Investors deserve a break, and for that matter, so do capital markets and federal regulators. That was the…


New woes dog WMA on broker complaint

A Montana ruling this month could have far-reaching implications for a troubled national securities firm that the state…


Fund bringing managed futures to masses

A small company that manages esoteric investments for pensions wants to bring to Joe Lunchbucket a way to…