
Kristin Andree

Kristin Andree is president of Andree Media & Consulting. She Tweets at: @andreegroup

Displaying 30 results


How social media can help your firm’s growth plans

Although many financial advisers have already created their 2013 business plans, few have clearly defined the strategies to…


In recruiting, use online connections

It seems like you can’t crack open an industry publication these days without stumbling on an article about…


Online strategies financial advisers shouldn’t ignore

Those who don't take the time to craft a coordinated effort on the web risk losing clients.


Time to tackle branding in an online world

In the world of financial services, standing out from the masses is more important than ever. It’s not…


Going beyond a shameless plug

There’s a fine line between value and annoyance when it comes to online content. Unfortunately, it’s not unusual…


Gathering information to improve service

In an initial conversation with a prospect, it isn’t uncommon for a financial adviser to be asked, “Why…


Making the most of LinkedIn

Have you ever received a LinkedIn connection request from someone and wondered, “Who the heck is this person?”


Developing a better yardstick

Social media has taken over the world — or so it seems — and financial services firms are being pulled into the mix, albeit kicking and screaming. The truth is, if a company wants to remain competitive in this digital age, social media must be a strategic part of its overall marketing plan


Leveraging LinkedIn: Simple steps for advisers

Connecting with clients and prospects on an emotional level — not merely meeting with them — is more important than ever


What advisers can do in social media

The first question advisers often ask me is, “What exactly can I do with social media?” While the compliance constraints everyone talks about are real, there are a number of strategies you can implement that will have a tremendous effect on your bottom line