
Sheryl Rowling

Sheryl is a CPA/PFS with over 30 years of experience in tax and financial planning, investment management and wealth advisory services. Author of CCH publication "Tax & Wealth Strategies for Family Businesses". Connect on LinkedIn

Displaying 130 results


What advisers can learn about technology from Guns N’ Roses

We can communicate with clients through newsletters, emails and blogs or even videos and webinars, but it's more important to interact.


Morningstar offers office software on iPad app

Now advisers can easily view client information and investment data anywhere any time.


In Apple’s universe, does one size fit all?

When it comes to technology, we all want it all. But we all can't agree on size


Reviewing two apps that make it easier for advisers to work remotely

If you enjoy the convenience of an iPad, this pair of apps can help save countless hours.


How to beat the robo-advisers

Utilize technology to make interactions with clients more efficient and on-demand.


The biggest drawbacks of the retail robo-advisers

For those looking for more than just account-level “multiple choice” investing, there's no substitute for an adviser.


What robo-advisers do right

Retail robos have a lot to offer investors, but are they really as good as they seem?


6 adviser technology resolutions for a more organized 2016

This adviser takes a risk by publishing their technology goals for the new year


This app can help advisers better broadcast messages to clients

Periscope offers a way for advisers to Tweet with video rather than just words and photos.


Mobile work options impact RIA firms

Allowing employees more flexibility and control over their work routines can lead to greater productivity and a long-tenured team.