
Life Insurance And Annuities

Displaying 3279 results


Hispanics underinsured

Though Latinos know they ought to have life insurance to protect their families, fewer of them buy it, compared with other demographic groups


Survey: Under-45 crowd way underinsured

If you want to reach out to an untapped audience for life insurance, try people under 45


Industry trade groups flex lobbying muscles

As improved life expectancy stretches the retirement timeline for 76 million baby boomers, the insurance industry is hoping…


Why ‘mailbox money’ is crucial to retirement

Aging baby boomers represent a historic opportunity to boost the sales of income-generating investment products, according to industry leaders who kicked off the Insured Retirement Institute conference in Boston last Monday


Reynolds wants lifetime-income products policed

Bob Reynolds, chief executive of Putnam Investments, last week called for the establishment of a regulatory body to approve lifetime-income products


In selling LTC insurance, shift the focus to the risk for family members

If you're recommending long-term-care insurance to clients as a way for them to protect assets and to care for themselves when they're old and sick, you're probably doing it incorrectly.


Health care costs claim bigger part of nest egg

Escalating medical expenses and Medicare cutbacks will strain retiree budgets


Treasury’s insurance watchdog seeks feedback on systemic risk

The Treasury's Federal Insurance Office yesterday announced that it's looking for public comments — with a special focus on systemic risk — as part of a report on modernizing insurance regulations.


Life settlements scammers get longer jail sentences than Enron’s Skilling

Two Houston men have been sentenced to spend more than 45 years in prison for their role in a massive life settlements fraud scheme.


Annuity reg vote pushed back due to Irene

NAIC's summer meeting in Philadelphia washed out by Hurricane Irene; decision on disclosure model to come later this month


Iowa draws clear line for insurance agents and securities brokers

The state of Iowa finally issued it's long-awaited guidance on what insurance agents and securities brokers can — and can't —do when working with clients


Illinois advisers lose securities licenses for liquidating annuities

The Illinois Securities Department has revoked the registration of two investment adviser representatives for inappropriately liquidating clients’ annuities…


Regulatory turf war brewing over indexed annuities?

Fine issued by Illinois securities cops over sale of fixed annuities raises questions of jurisdiction; others say no conflict exists


Iowa to shed light on sources of insurance funding

In a move that could affect the sales of securities and insurance in the state, Iowa's insurance regulator this week is expected to issue guidance on how far insurance agents and brokers can go in advising clients on the suitable sources of funds for insurance products


Annuity exam overload could prompt product pruning

Annuity exam overload, including extra training, could prompt some advisers to limit customer choice.


State crackdown could be the death of some universal life policies

Push for larger reserves could push some insurers right out of the business; vendors fighting back


Insurance advisory committee full of industry insiders, one notable outsider

Birnbaum the sole consumer advocate on newly formed panel; 'really going to stand out'


MetLife reins in popular VA benefits rider — again

Regulator filing details second benefits cut since May launch


LTCI too pricey even for Uncle Sam as CLASS Act yanked

Citing costs, government pulls plug on controversial long-term-care insurance plan; 'we're right where we have been operating'