
On Retirement

Contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin breaks down Social Security, health care and other important retirement strategies financial advisers need to understand to take care of their clients.

Displaying 406 results


Determining if a message from Social Security is a scam

Hint: Pay attention to emails, ignore phone calls.


Retroactive Social Security benefits: Everything you need to know

Rules specify who qualifies for back benefits based on age and filing status.


Uncover Unexpected Trends in the Social Security Earnings Test

Benefits lost to excess earnings are restored at full retirement age.


Working longer is best way to boost retirement income

For older workers, staying on the job is a more effective strategy than increasing savings.


Checking one off the bucket list

Columnist tests a long-held dream for her retirement and finds it lacking.


Small businesses face a big retirement challenge

State-backed IRAs offer creative savings solutions for millions of workers.


New ways to estimate and fund long-term care costs

Advisers are challenged to protect against one of the biggest risks to a retirement plan.


The black hole of financial planning: Health care costs

Affluent clients are confident about retirement plans, but not medical expenses


The gig economy as a backup retirement plan

Some workers embrace side hustles to boost their nest eggs.


Retirement outlook for millennials

They're drowning in debt, but are highly educated and have decades to get on track.


Future retirees more vulnerable to income shocks

Increased use of annuities and reverse mortgages could improve outcomes.


Older boomers embrace retirement, study finds

Sixty percent of retired boomers said life is better than they had expected.


Last chance for retirees to save on drug costs

Medicare Part D open enrollment ends Dec. 7.


Medicare premiums and Social Security COLAs: Here’s why retirees will pay up in 2018

Blame higher Medicare costs on a provision designed to protect Social Security benefits.


Boost retirement income with home equity

Including a reverse mortgage can update the 4% withdrawal rule strategy.


Taking the Medi-scare out of retiree health-care costs

Annual open enrollment season offers chance to defang drug expenses.


Pre-retirement earnings can limit Social Security survivor benefits

Life insurance can fill the gap when a survivor's earnings jeopardize benefits.


Both spouses don’t always need to delay Social Security until 70

Sometimes it's better to coordinate claiming strategies where one collects spousal benefits.


Both spouses don’t always need to delay Social Security until 70

Sometimes it's better to coordinate claiming strategies where one collects spousal benefits.


More retirees seek professional advice on Social Security

Future retirees also appear more willing to wait to claim larger benefits than previous waves of retirees, according to a new study.