

Displaying 4307 results


Presidential candidates can’t ignore Social Security

Exhaustion of disability trust fund in 2016 should force discussion of long-term financing issues.


Duty of due care and robo-advisers

Investment advisers have a fiduciary duty to act in the clients’ best interests. As it applies to the…


Americans more ready for retirement than ever

Compared to other nations, we have a substantial head start in building a sound, funded solution for the challenges of aging populations


Managing the convergence of compliance and technology

A common thread across technology-driven breaches is the failure of firms to establish and enforce policies and procedures.


6 ways advisers can benefit from the avalanche of technology advancement

Don't underestimate the impact digital technology can have on the advice industry.


No government shutdown — for now

Bad news is that lawmakers once again opted for a short-term stopgap and avoided tackling the tougher issues


Mary Jo White has earned a B- as SEC chairwoman

Heading a huge, highly visible agency in the wake of a financial crisis results in ups and downs for Mary Jo White.


The end of discounts for FLPs?

The IRS is revising the rules related to valuing interests in family-controlled partnerships


Model fee disclosure misses mark

Regulators need to forget the soft stuff and tackle matters of consequence.


Women and retirement planning: Walk a mile in her shoes

Book offers advisers insights on connecting with female clients.


Complex Social Security rules for divorced spouses

You must be single to collect spousal benefits on an ex.


Increase SEC exams of RIAs

Regulatory exams should be just as frequent for advisers as they are for brokers.


Should the Financial Planning Coalition support the DOL’s fiduciary proposal?

A two-sided debate about the FPC's stance on the proposed fiduciary rule.


How to shop smart during Medicare annual enrollment

This is the time of year when everyone on Medicare can reevaluate features of their plans to see if they're getting the best coverage at the best price.


Exit fees in times of market stress: A solution in search of a problem

Allowing mutual funds to flip a switch and turn on exit fees for investors on a moment's notice seems reactionary and short-sighted.


7 risks for retirement income planning

Those entering retirement are crossing the threshold into an entirely foreign way of living, where they are vulnerable to several hazards.


A hands-off investment approach is best — even in volatile markets

Money is like soap: The more you touch it, the smaller it gets


Roth IRAs: Supersaving for college

Popular retirement vehicle has several advantages over a traditional 529 plan in many cases


Worst-case scenario for Medicare premium hike in 2016

Medicare premiums have been rising twice as fast as Social Security COLAs.


Why financial advisers shouldn’t ignore millennials

They're young, they're sharp and they present a huge opportunity for advisers.