

Displaying 4307 results


A different kind of goal: Three business lessons from the hockey rink

Wayne Gretzky's famous quote: “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been” is not the only insight advisers can use in their business.


Look before you leap. A cliché, but…

Two disparate pieces of recent news highlight the risks of knee-jerk reactions


In times of turmoil, investment policy statement is key

Showing in writing that you're following prudent processes will allay clients' fears.


Scale tips in favor of employee advisers

Stark shifts are under way in terms of how advisory firms are structured and the kind of growth they can expect in coming years


5 tips to boost advisers’ productivity

The farther an adviser gets away from client-related activity, the greater the potential drag on efficiency


Dynasty trust planning: A tax-efficient way to manage wealthy families’ assets

It is an estate-planning tool through which a parent's or grandparent's assets can continue to grow indefinitely for future generations without being subject to gift, estate or generation-skipping transfer taxes.


Succession planning through the eyes of a client

Some simple math suggests that just 17% of all clients were proactively approached by their adviser to discuss a succession plan


Cash in spotlight amid sell-off

Advisers must be prepared to give reasoned answers about moving to cash during market volatility.


Health care costs can derail retirement plans

Paying for health care has rarely been considered a major threat to retirement budgets, but with health care inflation driving costs higher, increased longevity and Medicare means-testing imposed on higher-income retirees, that's changing fast.


Fees v. commissions: Different tax advantages

Advisers need to create a pricing model that best reflects the type of business they run and the services they provide.


How to file for Social Security benefits online

Given long waits on the phone or for in-person appointments, online applications could be the best way to go.


Ask the Adviser: How can I best protect my investments as the markets are sinking?

Before the stock market begins to decline, investors need to have a set of plans designed to remove emotion from the decision-making process.


Now is not the time to look at 401(k)s

We live in the Internet age, and clients no longer have to wait for a quarterly statement. They can log on right now and look. Tell them not to.


Maximize an HSA to fund Medicare and other health expenses

Use the hat trick of tax-free cash for retirement care.


As the Labor Department moves closer to a fiduciary standard, rhetoric reaches fever pitch

The department's recently completed four-day marathon of hearings featured the usual suspects trotting out the usual arguments — and self-funded studies — for or against the rule.


Myths about the Investment Company Act on its 75th anniversary

It's time to set straight misconceptions about the law that regulates mutual funds and other investment companies.


Identity theft hits home

Here's what one adviser did after her son had his identity stolen.


I’m a salesperson. You should be, too

Being able to persuade people to do what you really believe is in their best interests is very important


Revamp and refresh your online presence

As summer comes to an end, take some time to revisit web strategies and see if they need an upgrade.


Double whammy: Potential lack of COLA could mean higher Medicare premiums

If there's no Social Security cost-of-living adjustment, advisers will need to plan for significantly higher health costs for some clients.