
Tax Management

Displaying 8 results


EVs, heat pumps and solar panels: What advisors say about new tax credits

The Inflation Reduction Act gives clients many reasons to make their homes more energy-efficient or get an electric vehicle, now or later.


Niche adviser bulks up with a focus on fitness coaches

Justin Green, founder of AssistFP, has learned that developing a niche is an evolutionary process.


Helping philanthropic clients get the most out of their giving

David Foster found his niche when he realized how difficult it was to make sure his donations were having the desired impact.


Beware the sleight of hand in ProPublica’s pitch to tax the wealthy

A sensational report arguing that the wealthy don't pay their fair share of income taxes starts to crumble when percentages are replaced with real money.

  • News
  • April 12, 2021

Fund manager finds way around capital gains distributions

Huber Capital Management borrows a page from the exchange-traded fund industry to protect mutual fund investors from taxes.


How to get the pass-through deduction by reducing taxable income

Business owners are only eligible for a pass-through deduction if their income is below a certain threshold. However, there are ways to qualify by reducing their taxable income

  • News
  • October 25, 2017

Advisers can harvest a surprising amount of tax losses for clients this year

Despite the huge market run-up, there are still plenty of areas from which to harvest losses.


How over-emphasizing tax deductions can get your clients into trouble

A quick post-mortem of this year's filings could lay the groundwork for the rest of 2017 and beyond.