

Displaying 2693 results


Social Security planning comes to the workplace

Social Security planning has taken a giant step into the workplace, and retirement planning may never be the same. Mary Beth Franklin calls the addition of claiming strategies to retirement income tools a possible game changer.


Most investors missed the Dow’s early fireworks

Today's Breakfast with Braswell covers investors missing out on the Dow's latest rally, another gender bias suit hitting Wall Street, and much more.


Undoing a hasty Social Security claiming decision

There are remedies, but your clients may not like them.


Early filers regret Social Security claiming decisions

Survey shows many retirees wish they had waited to begin taking benefits.


Beware state premium taxes on annuities

With different rates in different states, these under-the-radar taxes require close scrutiny of annuities contracts to avoid hidden surprises.


World stock markets get nervous as Iraq melts down

Plus: Deutsche Bank shows its hand with World Cup bets, Wall Street fines are a cash cow for the Treasury Dept., navigating Social Security before you retire, and eating at home gets pricey in a hurry.


As more states recognize gay marriage, planning traps still await couples

Supreme Court could agree to rule on one of many appeals cases by this summer, and largely clear things up.


How to reap the benefits of Social Security’s rearview mirror

Claiming after age 66 can result in retroactive benefits.


Morningstar-HelloWallet deal ups the ante for financial wellness services

Viewing workers' retirement savings in the context of their full financial picture may be the next frontier for retirement plan services.


Charitable giving bolstered by improving economy

Schwab finds individuals granted out more this year as stocks soared and tax changes hit home.


Ways and Means to vote on extending deduction for IRA charitable contributions

One of several tax extenders the committee will take up Thursday.


“Top 40” host Casey Kasem’s disappearance holds lessons for advisers

“American Top 40” host Casey Kasem's disappearance has been resolved, but advisers have plenty to learn from the bitter family feud that's emerged over the radio legend's care in old age.


How long must clients be married to collect Social Security on each other? It depends

Rules differ for those currently married, widows/widowers and the divorced


Social Security benefits and common-law marriage: Oil and water?

In some cases, spousal benefits available without a marriage certificate.


SSA starts paying benefits to married gay couples, but questions remain

Social Security encourages people to apply for spousal benefits even with uncertainties.


Social Security support tools a big hit with financial advisers

Nationwide unwraps free access to Social Security Timing software.


The retirement apocalypse that isn’t coming

Retirement isn't going the way of the carrier pigeon. Innovative retirement plans and new policies and products point to a future richer than many workers imagine.


Managing tax brackets a potent tool

Now that we again have so many tax brackets, it’s time for a refresher on what these brackets…


How to pick apart charitable trusts

The benefits of charitable trusts vary — particularly when it comes to interest rate environments.


Clintons jump through financial planning loopholes to dodge estate taxes they support

Breakfast with Benjamin: Brokers pouncing on 401(k) biz. Plus: The Clintons dodge the estate taxes they support. The Fed wants to add exit fees to bond funds, U.S. banks on the edge of new funding rules, Congress mulls investor confidence on your dime, El-Erian sides with the IMF, and merger mania is alive and well.