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Rubio outlines Social Security reforms

Senator calls for changes that would encourage retirement-age workers to work longer

  • Tax
  • May 18, 2014

Tax strategies for high-net-worth retirees are aplenty

Simplifying strategies and balancing clients' assets across different accounts with different tax treatments can help HNW retirees.


Foreign dividends can be a minefield

As dividends cross borders, complications arise. In my February column, I mentioned how shareholders of foreign corporations are…


Taking a closer look at tax reform

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., has proposed sweeping changes to the Internal Revenue Code.


New Yorkers face grueling new state estate taxes

Changes have some considering switching states – but be warned that that takes careful planning


Role reversal: Readers answer Social Security questions

The best way to help financial advisers understand the often-complex Social Security rules is to pose real-life client situations — typical of the questions I receive every day. And that's what I did at this year's Retirement Income Summit.


Adapt investment strategies to pay for long-term care

Retirement expert Mary Beth Franklin details the importance of adjusting client investment portfolios to cover the costs of long-term care.


Out-of-state trusts may lose appeal

New York alters rules to stop taxpayers from avoiding state taxes by setting up trusts elsewhere.


Sheryl Garrett scoffs at argument against fiduciary duty

Founder of Garrett Planning Network says investors with low net worth can be served in a market where all advisers must act in their best interests.


How much is a survivor benefit worth?

Mary Beth Franklin tackles three questions about Social Security survivor benefits. The questions are similar and the answer may surprise you.


Advisers embrace tax simplification, wince at surcharge on wealthy

Investment advisers embraced an effort by the leader of a congressional tax-writing committee to simplify the tax code but winced at the higher taxes on the wealthy that would be required to pay for the changes.


Age gap can thwart couples’ Social Security-claiming strategies

Financial advisers may need to consider other income options.


Nitty-gritty of claiming college tax credits

With the $2,500 American Opportunity Tax Credit's phaseout now at $180,000 of modified adjusted gross income, more parents are eligible. But claiming it requires coordination with distributions from 529s and education savings accounts.


Sell in May and go away?

Breakfast with Benjamin: Time to sell stocks? Plus: All you need to know about the Fed's policy decision today, lessons from a Texas-size bankruptcy, lingering effects of the polar vortex, a social media darling trips up, and the latest on Rep. Dave Camp's tax reform plan.


Letters to the Editor

I read the On Retirement column “Making tough decisions to fix the Social Security…


Higher tax rates fail to dent economic growth

As the political fight over raising taxes for high-income Americans fades, so are predictions for negative economic fallout. The first boost in marginal income rates in 20 years is already reducing the U.S. budget deficit without tipping the economy into recession.


The best- and worst-performing target date funds

Target date 2016-20 3-month return 1-year return 3-year return 5-year return Net assets ($M) Expense ratio* Top 10…


Practice makes perfect when it comes to retirement

T. Rowe Price's Christine Fahlund puts theories to test.


Social Security training course covers program nuts and bolts

Course covers finer points of Windfall Elimination Provision calculations, but needs more emphasis on claiming strategies.