

Displaying 2695 results


Making tough decisions to fix Social Security

A new policy simulation tool lets users design their own package of reforms to fully fund Social Security. If individual users can make these tough decisions, why can't elected officials?


Obama’s budget: What advisers need to know

SEC would get funding boost; limits placed on retirement-savings tax breaks for wealthy.


Republican tax plan would hit Wall Street hard

Dave Camp, the Republican House Ways and Means Committee chairman, is filling in the blanks in his plan to revamp the U.S. tax code and leaning on the financial industry to help pay for lower tax rates.


White House budget proposal targets Social Security benefits

President Obama's plan takes aim at strategies used by upper-income claimants to increase their benefits.


Should clients carry a mortgage into retirement?

A new tool can help resolve an age-old debate


An ETF ‘missionary,’ Dave Camp’s tax plan

Breakfast with Benjamin: A man called "Mr. ETF," plus the skinny on Dave Camp's tax plan, Edward Jones settles cold calling case, a Wall St. cop moves on and a new take on "insider" trading.


States taking their own capital gains bites, from big to small

Warning: Don't overlook the implication of state income taxes, ordinary income or capital gains.


Credit Suisse’s U.S. clients in limbo as prosecutors inch ahead

Thousands of Credit Suisse Group AG's U.S. clients still don't know whether tax authorities will learn their identities as prosecutors work to conclude a three-year probe of how the bank helped them evade taxes.


Bitcoin trouble, another coin bonanza and Tesla shines

Breakfast with Benjamin: Trouble in bitcoin land (but there's a silver lining) while one couple strikes gold with other coins. Plus: Tesla shines, Credit Suisse does not and looking for Macy's shoppers.


New Social Security tool debuts for advisers

The latest benefits optimizing software is free.


Don’t get greedy with Social Security strategies

Don't get greedy when trying to maximize Social Security benefits for your clients. Beneficiaries are entitled to only one claim per person. InvestmentNews contributing editor Mary Beth Franklin has the details.


Social Security benefits subject to a family maximum limit

Payments to spouse and children may be reduced.


New public opinion poll supports Social Security reform

Changes including raising full retirement age, making more income subject to payroll tax gain support.


When buying puts to protect profits

Some clients are asking about buying puts to protect the profits that they have earned. Of course, there…


Hard work undone by election year politics

The departure of Sen. Max Baucus as Senate Finance Committee chairman has set back efforts to achieve comprehensive tax reform.


Delayed retirement credits accrue, but are not compounded

Future cost-of-living adjustments applied to larger base benefit


The most commonly asked Social Security question

Can both spouses file and suspend their benefits?


Age matters in Social Security-claiming strategies

Taking benefits early means permanent reduction – but sometimes that's OK.


Public pensions offset Social Security

Advisers must know whether clients who have worked for federal, state or city governments may be affected by pension rules that can reduce or even eliminate certain Social Security benefits.


Tax traps to avoid for year-end charitable donations

Major changes that kicked in this year, thanks to the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, likely will result in increased interest in charitable giving by clients interested in softening the bite of even higher brackets on income and capital gains taxes. As a refresher, the highest income tax rate rose in 2013 to 39.6%, while the highest capital gains rate is now 20%. To make things even more interesting, ATRA has also established a net investment income tax of 3.8%.