
Joe Duran

Joe Duran is head of Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management. You can follow him at @DuranMoney.

Displaying 112 results


3 things financial advisers need to know when serving female clients

Perhaps when it comes to their financial lives, women are a lot like men but with higher standards.


The mobile edge: Moving your business across the digital divide

Your client's cell phone could be the biggest boost to your business.


Learning and profiting from Gen X

Too many of us have not evolved and still have firms built to serve baby boomers.


An open letter to a broken industry

Consumers' trust in financial institutions has fallen to an all-time low. Here's what advisers can do to provide the help investors desperately need.


What unicorns can teach you about increasing your firm’s value

Reduce your reliance on people by increasing your use of technology and have the ability to expand beyond your geography.


Crawling up the wealth management pyramid

Each adviser approaches their clients from their own place in the wealth management “stack," which has a huge impact on your relevance, pricing and future viability.


Why Vanguard is about to engulf the financial planning industry

Steps advisers can take to avoid getting hurt by the fund giant's rise in the planning space.


Lessons in leadership for advisers from ‘Game of Thrones’

The industry's proverbial war will be won by advisers who understand the power of technology.


RIA deal mania and why you should care

Three big deals this year mark an important inflection point as big investors place major bets on the industry.


The scary truth: The struggle between who we are and what we want

Or, how to help clients ensure their money serves them and not the other way around.