
Joni Youngwirth

Joni is managing principal of practice management at Commonwealth Financial Network. She Tweets at: @jyoungwirth

Displaying 58 results


Redefining efficiency in your business

It's not just how a firm goes about its daily work, it's about its ability to manage change.


If friends asked you to recommend an adviser, could you?

It's not an easy answer; there are many factors to consider.


Can you delegate practice management?

As firms have grown, advisers have embraced working on their businesses as a critical skill set that makes their lives better.


When to bring a new employee on board

Should you hire early to prevent a crisis, or wait to see whether an existing employee can handle extra work?


Boomers: Envision your business transition plan

Ask yourself how you can work less while earning enough, and how prepared younger advisers are to take over.


2018 and beyond: Business planning, and questioning

Now's the time to get started. First, ask yourself how you will seek to improve.


Should financial advisers invest in social media?

Looking at how different generations of advisers approach this marketing strategy can offer insights.


Advisers: What about your retirement?

Formulating a holistic plan is a good approach for clients, and you as well.


Why financial advisers need to actively manage their continuity plans

Revisit the agreement annually to ensure the partnership continues to meet the needs of the buyer, seller and clients.


Why financial advisers need to rethink their strategies now

We tend to think our industry is unique. We lament that we have so much going on, with…