
Joni Youngwirth

Joni is managing principal of practice management at Commonwealth Financial Network. She Tweets at: @jyoungwirth

Displaying 58 results


Prognosticating on practice values

Where are practice values headed? That’s a key question for advisers who are considering the purchase or sale…


Preparing for when the unexpected occurs

John has just come home from the doctor. The diagnosis? The big C. A thousand thoughts race through…


How to find a junior financial adviser

As the first wave of baby boomers turns 65, everyone in the industry is talking and thinking about succession


Be prepared to implement succession plan

One day in September, “Ralph” was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer


Vision statements benefit advisory firms

We are all so busy playing a variety of roles each day that it is easy to get lost, seeing only the very next tree ahead instead of the forest.


Steps to lure clients to your practice

Summer is usually a time when advisers kick back and relax. But with revenue down across the industry, this summer may be quite different. Indeed, many advisers are suddenly looking for ways to fill the revenue void left by the market's downturn.


Building improvement into business plans

During the total-quality-management movement of the 1980s, Edward Deming, the father of continuous improvement, articulated the value of having processes that can be measured and that yield specific, predictable results.


The power of a business plan

Most financial advisers know that having a business plan would help them stay on target and increase their…