
Joni Youngwirth

Joni is managing principal of practice management at Commonwealth Financial Network. She Tweets at: @jyoungwirth

Displaying 58 results


Is your office space keeping up with the times?

Decisions about space should take into account such trends as the shift to less conventional configurations.


Making room for the next generation of advisers

Many financial advisers are choosing to delay retirement, but where does that leave their younger colleagues?


Communicating with clients in tough times

Clients seem to be fairly calm about this bout of market volatility, but it's still important for advisers to speak with them directly.


Offering your clients some holiday cheer

For some people, holidays can mark the onset of the blues, but advisers are in a position to help clients avoid a seasonal funk.


The new normal of succession planning

As more people work past the traditional retirement age, what does that mean for succession plans?


The future of new-adviser training is now

The diversity of new advisers entering the industry adds to the challenge of getting them up to speed


How to adapt efficiently to industry trends

The first step is to decide which innovations your firm will embrace.


The rise of the female financial adviser

Boomers' wealth transfer and the industry's shift from investment management to financial planning are among the factors that may lead to more women in adviser roles


Why advisers need to be both effective and efficient

Doing the right things the right way is how you get the biggest return.


Why saying goodbye to your clients and business is hard

Advisers should consider the challenges they may face when retiring, as many find this transition to be harder than they anticipated