

Displaying 1937 results


Retirement plan advisers are preparing for major changes

Experts weigh in with best practices retirement plan advisers should make sure they have in place given pending industry shifts


As the Labor Department moves closer to a fiduciary standard, rhetoric reaches fever pitch

The department's recently completed four-day marathon of hearings featured the usual suspects trotting out the usual arguments — and self-funded studies — for or against the rule.


China in the bull shop

As China sorts through a serious market plunge and economic contraction, overexposure can slice into gains


Stock buybacks: Who benefits?

Advisers should thoroughly vet every share repurchase offer in light of each client's unique situation

  • August 5, 2015

Clearer 401(k) disclosures would be much fairer

I read the article “Advisers affronted by “Frontline’ piece” (April 29). I didn’t see the documentary. However,…


Analyzing Hillary Clinton’s capital gains proposal

If the presidential candidate believes long-term capital gains should be rewarded because they will spur economic growth, she should seek to lower rates, not raise them.


Let the client decide how to communicate

If your firm doesn't offer alternatives to face-to-face meetings, now is the time to draw up a game plan.


SEC in-house justice system stacks the deck

Too many questionable aspects to the process make it hard to be perceived as fair.


Do your homework on securities-backed loans

Clients taking out securities-backed loans might see only the advantages and not the risks.

  • July 20, 2015

SEC ticks off accomplishments, outlines priorities

The following is an edited version of testimony by Securities and Exchange Commission Chairwoman Mary Jo White May…